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    chill subs submissions manager submitron banner

    Let's. Burn. It. All. Down. Together. Cause we're goddamn phoenixes.

    What we plan to do

    • 1. innovate
    • 2. synergize
    • 3. fuck shit up

    FIVE phases over TWO years that will blow your freaking pants off.
    Suck it, MARVEL.

    Phase 1mind blown
    Phase 2mind-bits blown before...blown
    Phases 3-5atoms of blown mind pieces blown to whatever is smaller than atoms...boom

    Why Now?

    It's been our plan the whole time.

    Why Us?


    For Editors

    turn you into a publishing god.

    For Writers

    make you famous af

    For Both

    make writers and editors fall in love all over again

    Dark Mode

    the only mode

    Release Date:

    before you know it

    Adjust our confidence Level