Salad PieRipple Grove Press/Chicago Review Press, 2016
Wendy BooydeGraaff
writer of fiction, poems, cnf, and books for kids
Grand Rapids, MI, United States
Selected work (7 publications)
How My Cousin Who Ran Away in the 80s Spent Her Last HoursHow My Cousin Who Ran Away in the 80s Spent Her Last Hours
She backflipped down the Don Valley Parkway—flip, flip, flip—because she loved gymnastics and she was tired of doing perfect cartwheels. Flip, flip, flip, until flip, over the guardrail
Attic Dweller"We had bees in the attic above the garage. We heard their buzzing in the southeast corner, through the wall to the master bedroom. A swarm’s low hum, droning their stingers into the aging wood siding. (I needed somewhere to call mine. A shelter.)"
Until the girl arrived, the last time I had taken a step was eight hundred years ago when I walked as a young man, eighteen years of age, into the Bavarian forest with my parents, to spite the Grimms and their wolfish tales.
How to Tell a Love Story1. Setting serves as the introduction to the story. The sky, gray and looming with thunder and sideways rain, withholds for this moment, this moment when...
2. The characters meet in a bus stop kiosk, the glass kind with the light blue and yellow...