Across the Margin, 2023Sisyphus Becomes Another PersonA work of fiction which imagines an alternate conclusion to the Myth of Sisyphus… literary fiction
Keeping It Under Wraps, 2023"Dog"The boy from the fountain stood in front me, blocking my way. I stepped aside. He followed, his eyes sparking. Something seemed off.
Keeping it Under Wraps, 2022“Selective Parenting”At the campsite, not knowing what compelled me to do so, I stared into the crackling fire and said, "You know, Mom, we've just finished smoking a joint, and we're as high as kites."
Mediterranean Poetry, 2023“Outside as a Balcony (Italian: Fuori come un balcone)” (Reprint of rework)They took Bella Seràgnoli. They took Lorenzo the Spaniard. A young DJ lasted only a few days in intensive care before being stacked like wood onto a military vehicle, the procession of which we watch on the TV; not a priest in sight.
Meredith WritesMonthly musings from Switzerland and links to published works. I'm an American-Swiss writer and military brat who lives and works in a medieval micro town on the Rhine River. My work has been anthologized and nominated for a Pushcart Prize.