Libre , 2024Issue Two: PLATHThrough Plath, let's celebrate our cerebral weather together. flashmental healthShort StorypoetryFictionmicro-fictionart
Libre , 2024Issue One: Autumn 2024Issue 1 delves into the grey brain matter of illness narratives, while attempting to formulate & conceptualize invisible pain in strident and oftentimes boldly whimsical ways. flashEssayanxietyprose poetrybipolarmental health
Our Submittable Thank you, sincerely, for entrusting your work to us. Our main hope is to provide a safe space for the marginalized, the forgotten, and the overlooked. Libre's worth is made up entirely of the work we receive.
New Lit on the Block: Libre “Whenever I hear someone kvetch, “Just how many literary magazines does the world really need?” a publication like LIBRE comes along to respond that there is room for this much-needed resource for the literary community.”