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Kylie Ayn Yockey

Kylie Ayn Yockey (she/her) is a queer creative, poetry editor for Blood Tree Literature, fiction editor for Chaotic Merge Magazine, and social media coordinator for EastOver Press / Cutleaf Journal.
Denver, CO, United States


$25 - $52
Digital MarketingDigital marketing assistance, consultation, and/or management for creatives, small businesses, and solopreneurs especially in the Literature and the Arts, Fashion & Beauty, Finance, Real Estate, Digital Marketing, and Thought Leadership communities.
digital marketing
social media
Contact for price
EditingAvailable editing services for single piece to full-length literary projects: copyediting, developmental editing, self-publishing consultation, and retainer editorial work.
developmental editing
content editing
structural editing
manuscript editing
line editing
copy editing
literary editing
poetry editing