InsatiableA poem called "Insatiable" published by Sage Cigarettes Magazine in November 2022.
Emma Cholip
I'm a 24 year old nonbinary author, specializing in fictional writing, but am always broadening my horizons. I am currently in Wisconsin and edit for Messy Misfits Club zine! I also write some poetry.
Madison, WI, United States
Selected work (10 publications)
Rot & Revengea short poem, "Rot & Revenge" published in October 2022 in Onwords series "Things That Trouble Us"
Abra to Judith (1620)A poem, "Abra to Judith (1620)" featured in the Summer 2022 of Penumbra Online. This piece is based on the Artemisia Gentileschi painting "Judith Slaying Holofernes".
Much to ConsiderA microtweet poem, "Much to Consider" published in the "Tears Streaking the Pillow" call. Also featured on twitter with additional graphics.