Fiction on the Web, 2024The Weird FamilyIn 1980s New York, three deadbeat high school friends become fascinated by a weird local family, especially when the son joins their class at school.humor
JAKE, 2024Much ObligedKylie and I moved in a few weeks ago, and had hoped to establish ourselves as neighborhood fixtures by that summer. Whatever that meant. So far, it wasn’t like the old days: no meeting the doorbell with the surprise of old Mrs. so-and-so bearing ...
The Rye Whiskey Review, 2024Fifty-three It was the night before Adrian Price’s fifty-third birthday. On the bright side, Ida had agreed to go out with him to celebrate. On the dark side … fifty-three. Yes, certainly worse than fifty-two, but to Adrian Price’s mind, worse even than ...Short StoryFictiondark comedy
Fiction on the Web, 2024Nora NaughtonWe had just buried Nora Naughton. My heart ached at her loss and for the loss suffered by her father, my friend and former teacher, Professor Theodore Naughton. Many had come to Nora’s grave ...Short StoryFictiondeathmourningdark