Lazarus"I eat it to feel alive, a man confessed to me,
teeth crunching through a golden reaper so hot,
my eyes watered to be near. When did he feel alive?
Lazarus, I mean, after he died and then came back
Arah Ko
Arah Ko is a writer from Hawai'i. Her work is published or forthcoming in Palette Poetry, Colorado Review, American Poetry Review, Salt Hill, The Margins, Nimrod, Fugue, & others. She edited for The Journal. She is a Poetry Editor for Surging Tide.
United States
Selected work (4 publications)
Origin Myth"I have decided to be happy/ in spite of everything that came before, // and because of it..."
Vampire Plants Talk to Their Victims While Drinking"There is a waxing // for every waning." From the AAWW's wine folio.
Sisyphus Offers Prometheus Water