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    Black Rose Writing

    Independent Publisher




    An independent publishing house that strongly believes in developing a personal relationship with their authors. The Texas-based publishing company doesn't see authors as clients or just another number on a page, but rather as individual people... people who deserve an honest review of their material and to be paid traditional royalties without ever paying any fees to be published.


    • Acceptance rate: -
    • Response time: 21 days after submission
    • Pays: -
    • Fee: -
    • Accepts simultaneous submissions

    • Accepts previously published

      What's that?

      When the magazine wants to publish your previously published work. Requirements vary

    • Active on social media


    • Novel

    Additional info

    Can't think of any!

    Please fill out the online submission form as detailed as possible. The more info you provide, the more seriously your submission is taken, and your chances of being published are increased. The quality of your manuscript is, of course, the main factor, but an author’s platform is definitely a valuable part of a publisher’s final decision. Please do not email or send your manuscript until instructed to do so.


    An independent publishing house that strongly believes in developing a personal relationship with their authors. The Texas-based publishing company doesn't see authors as clients or just another number on a page, but rather as individual people... people who deserve an honest review of their materia...

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