    Wrongdoing Magazine (hiatus) logo

    Literary Magazine

    Wrongdoing Magazine (hiatus)





    Wrongdoing Magazine (hiatus) latest issue

    The best new gothic writing and art. We'll take the dark, the sacrilegious, and all of that good stuff that opens mouths and wounds.


    This magazine may have some eligibility requirements

    Please double-check before submitting.

    • Vibe:Weird / outsider / wtf even is it
    • Response time:
      30 days after submission*
      Editor reported data
      73 days*
      Chill Subs tracker stats
    • Acceptance rate:
      Editor reported data
      Chill Subs tracker stats


    • Accepts simultaneous submissions

      What's that?

      When you can submit your work to multiple magazines at the same time

    • Accepts previously published

      From the editors

      Anthologies, Blogs, Defunct Mags, Only Appeared In Print, Other Lit Mags, Personal Websites, Social Media

      What's that?

      When the magazine wants to publish your previously published work. Requirements vary

    • Nominates for prizes

      From the editors

      Best Of The Net, Best Small Fiction, Pushcart

    • Active on social media

    • Available in print

    • Provides contributor copies

    • Has examples online

    How to submit

    • Processs


    • Cover letter

      No cover letter advice

    • Eligibility

      Bipoc, Creators With Disabilities, LGBTQ+, Nonbinary, Women

    • Formatting

      🌹 .doc, .docx, or .pdf 🌹 Approx. 20-40 pages, not including front and back matter, with some wiggle room 🌹 12 pt readable font + standard letter-sized pages are fine for submission (unless experiments/aesthetics require otherwise) 🌹 Double-spaced prose, single-spaced poetry (unless experiments/aesthetics require otherwise) 🌹 If submitting a collection, every new piece should start on a new page

    • Author's rights

      In exchange for 1 year of exclusive publication rights, we offer our 2023 authors 40% of profits and 10 author copies, with additional purchases available at base cost. Author royalties jump to 50% after 1 year, at which point we’ll offer indefinite on-demand printing, the rights still exclusive until the author chooses to terminate the contract. As the publisher, we’ll also reserve the right to do so should the need arise (the author will always receive advance notice).

    • Additional info

      Make you feel at home: cozy, meme-friendly, a sense of community, all that stuff Offer expedited response: $3 - response within 24 hours Accept previously published: "Only from personal blogs or websites if taken down upon acceptance."

    Tracker statistics


    Total submissions tracked

    73 days

    Average response time


    Average acceptance rate

    0 days

    Fastest response time

    Сhill Subs is able to provide internal statistics because you use our tracker! You're the best!

    person with a laptop

    Managed by editors


    Pushcart Prize
    Best of the Net

    Wrong Publishing began with Wrongdoing Magazine, a bi-annual collection of original and detestable lit + art. After four long issues, we're now focusing on bringing new opportunities to writers whose chapbooks are unpublishable/detestable elsewhere. The mission is the same—the scope only longer and ...

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      Editor Pascale Potvin avatar

      Pascale Potvin


      Editor Ami J. Sanghvi avatar

      Ami J. Sanghvi

      Managing Editor