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Literary Magazine

The Rumpus




The Rumpus latest issue

A place to read, on the Internet. A literary community.


  • Vibe:Top-tier stuff. Not Paris Review, but ok
  • Response time:
    120 days after submission*
    Editor reported data
    98 days*
    Chill Subs tracker stats
  • Acceptance rate:
    Editor reported data
    Chill Subs tracker stats
  • Work acquired through solicitation: 5%


  • Accepts simultaneous submissions

    What's that?

    When you can submit your work to multiple magazines at the same time

  • Accepts previously published

    What's that?

    When the magazine wants to publish your previously published work. Requirements vary

  • Nominates for prizes

    From the editors

    Best Of The Net, Pushcart

  • Active on social media

  • Available in print

  • Provides contributor copies

  • Has examples online

How to submit

  • Processs


  • Cover letter

    Essays: A cover letter is also welcome. Tell us a little bit about yourself, why you chose The Rumpus, where your work has appeared before, or anything else you think might be important for us to know. Simultaneous submissions are fine, but do withdraw your submission if your essay is picked up elsewhere. Funny Women: Not necessary, but you should know it's 10x harder to pass on your submission if your cover letter is super nice and exudes confidence and evidence that you've read and loved the column/me. Author bios: Please! Even if you've never been published (and who cares if you haven't), you can still reveal the city where you live and if you have any pets. Reviews: In your cover letter, please include: your contact information and a brief bio that we would use should your review be accepted

  • Eligibility

    No specific eligibility requirements

  • Formatting

    Please provide the following information at the top of your review: title of book being reviewed, author of book, name of press and publication date, reviewer's name and email address. Reviews should be single-spaced and paginated. Poem excerpts of more than three lines should be formatted exactly as they appear on the page, and set off in the text of the review. Please include at least 1–2 excerpts of more than three lines. Shorter excerpts should be quoted within the text of the review using quotation marks and virgules ( / ), with one space ahead and behind the virgule to indicate line breaks. Poems cannot be reprinted/quoted in their entirety. When excerpting poems, spaces at the front of the line and within lines should be done using the space bar rather than the tab key. There is no need to cite page numbers within the review, but please check excerpts and quotes carefully to ensure they are free of errors and formatted correctly.

  • Author's rights

    Contributors retain rights to their work.

  • Additional info

    Payments average $20-40 per piece.

Tracker statistics


Total submissions tracked

98 days

Average response time


Average acceptance rate

4 days

Fastest response time

Сhill Subs is able to provide internal statistics because you use our tracker! You're the best!

person with a laptop

The Submissions Grinder Statistics


12-month average acceptance rate

116 days

12-month average response time

Managed by editors


The Rumpus publishes original fiction, poetry, literary humor writing, comics, essays, book reviews, and interviews with authors and artists of all kinds. Our mostly volunteer-run magazine strives to be a platform for risk-taking voices and writing that might not find a home elsewhere. We lift up ne...

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    Editor Aram Mrjoian avatar

    Aram Mrjoian


    Editor Alyson Sinclair avatar

    Alyson Sinclair

    Publisher and Executive Director