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    OpenMar 7

    Literary Magazine

    Talon Review







    Talon Review latest issue

    Talon Review seeks to publish new works by established and emerging writers. We are interested in stories, essays, and poems that linger in the heart or mind long after the last word of the last sentence.


    • Vibe:Send us your best but less intimidating
    • Response time:
      30 days after submission*
      Editor reported data
      31 days*
      Chill Subs tracker stats
    • Acceptance rate:
      Editor reported data
      Chill Subs tracker stats


    • Accepts simultaneous submissions

      What's that?

      When you can submit your work to multiple magazines at the same time

    • Accepts previously published

      What's that?

      When the magazine wants to publish your previously published work. Requirements vary

    • Nominates for prizes

      From the editors

      Best Of The Net, Pushcart

    • Active on social media

    • Available in print

    • Provides contributor copies

    • Has examples online

    How to submit

    • Processs


    • Cover letter

      Include a short bio no longer than 250 words in the third person. This could be who you are, where you’re from, what you like to do, or where you’ve been published before.

    • Eligibility

      No specific eligibility requirements

    • Formatting

      Fiction / Creative Nonfiction Submissions: Submissions should not exceed 3000 words or 12 pages and cannot be excerpts from novels or larger works. Submissions should be double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, in manuscript format, and submitted as .docx files Poetry Submissions: Submissions should be single-spaced. Hybrid Submissions: All rights to visual and intellectual media used should be owned by the author. If not, it is the author's responsibility to attain full copyright permission to use any intellectual property that is not their own prior to publication. We reserve the right to reject a submission on the basis of intellectual property infringement. When digitally manipulating your traditional work, do so for the best image quality, but do not manipulate it to the point that it is misrepresented. That said, ensure any pictures/scans of traditional work are well- and evenly lit.

    • Author's rights

      We require first publishing rights as well as the option to anthologize. Video submissions require non-exclusive rights. We accept submissions that are available elsewhere (i.e Youtube), though by submitting, you are recognizing The Talon Review as an additional platform/publisher. As well, you commit to providing a link back to the Talon Review. All rights to visual and intellectual media used should be owned by the author. If not, it is the author's responsibility to attain full copyright permission to use any intellectual property that is not their own prior to publication. We reserve the right to reject a submission on the basis of intellectual property infringement.

    • Additional info

    Tracker statistics


    Total submissions tracked

    31 days

    Average response time


    Average acceptance rate

    18 days

    Fastest response time

    Сhill Subs is able to provide internal statistics because you use our tracker! You're the best!

    person with a laptop

    The Submissions Grinder Statistics


    12-month average acceptance rate

    0 days

    12-month average response time

    Managed by editors


    Here at Talon, we crave the piercing and unencumbered. Pieces that will sink its claws in the reader’s mind, so to speak. We want to expose the underbelly of our relevant humanity through vulnerable language. Give us concepts that rub together opposing ideologies. Capture the sense of self sparked w...

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      Editor Sera-Ann Hargrove avatar

      Sera-Ann Hargrove


      Editor Christine Roland avatar

      Christine Roland


      Editor Jessica Q. Stark avatar

      Jessica Q. Stark

      Executive Faculty Advisor

      Editor Julia Croston avatar

      Julia Croston

      Managing Editor