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    Literary Magazine

    As Surely As the Sun Literary






    As Surely As the Sun Literary latest issue

    A new Christian literary journal seeking submissions of poetry, prose, and art with Christian themes.


    • Vibe:Send us your best but less intimidating
    • Response time:
      60 days after submission*
      Editor reported data
      19 days*
      Chill Subs tracker stats
    • Acceptance rate:
      Editor reported data
      Chill Subs tracker stats


    • Accepts simultaneous submissions

      What's that?

      When you can submit your work to multiple magazines at the same time

    • Accepts previously published

      From the editors

      Anthologies, Blogs, Defunct Mags, Only Appeared In Print, Other Lit Mags, Personal Websites, Social Media

      What's that?

      When the magazine wants to publish your previously published work. Requirements vary

    • Nominates for prizes

    • Active on social media

    • Available in print

    • Provides contributor copies

    • Has examples online

    How to submit

    • Processs


    • Cover letter

      No cover letter advice

    • Eligibility

      No specific eligibility requirements

    • Formatting

      ​Poetry Guidelines:​ Attach 1-3 poems as either one Word Document or one PDF with "Poetry" in the attachment's title Please have your poems formatted in a Garamond or Times New Roman 12pt. font There are no limitations on structure, but keep in mind that we prefer poems to be no more than two pages long Also note that while we do consider rhyming poetry, we prefer free verse or other non-rhyming forms Flash and Micro Fiction Guidelines: Attach 1-3 pieces as either one Word Document or one PDF with "Fiction" in the attachment's title Please have the pieces formatted flush left, 1.5 or double spaced, in a Garamond or Times New Roman 12pt. font Micro fiction should generally fall between 200 to 500 words, ​and Flash fiction from 500 to 1,000 Nonfiction Guidelines: Attach 1-2 pieces as either one Word Document or one PDF with "Nonfiction" in the attachment's title Please have the pieces formatted flush left, 1.5 or double spaced, in a Garamond or Times New Roman 12pt. font Pieces should be between 200 to 1000 words We prefer to publish nonfiction pieces that have some creative aspect to them; i.e., not strictly devotional, biographical, or scholarly. Please refer to nonfiction published in past issues for the best idea of the kind of work we seek. That being said, we won't outright reject a piece that doesn't fall within these parameters. When in doubt, send it in.

    • Author's rights

      Once a piece of yours has been accepted, we reserve electronic rights as well as the right to archive your work on our website. After publication, all copyrights revert back to the author, and you may seek reprints elsewhere. Please do credit As Surely As the Sun as the original publisher. We accept reprints. Please let us know the name of the original publisher in the body of your email so that we can credit them. We'd also recommend checking the original publisher's reprint policies before sending a previously published piece our way. We also welcome simultaneous submissions.

    • Additional info

    Managed by editors


    As Surely As the Sun seeks to serve, humbly, as one platform for professing Christians to contribute poetry, prose, and visual art for the purposes of our mission. Our mission is one that is ages old and everlasting: to proclaim Christ and Him crucified, and to glorify the Godhead, as it was in the ...

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      Editor Natasha Bredle avatar

      Natasha Bredle
