Near Window is a zine about having a view out/in through a window. I wanted to make something that was a space for softness, for emotional vulnerability, for weirdness, and openness. Near Window is about opening up, and about getting a different perspective.
- Vibe:Send us your best but less intimidating
- Response time: 14 days after submission*/Editor reported data?*Chill Subs tracker stats
- Acceptance rate: ?*/Editor reported data?*Chill Subs tracker stats
Accepts simultaneous submissions
What's that?
When you can submit your work to multiple magazines at the same time
Accepts previously published
What's that?
When the magazine wants to publish your previously published work. Requirements vary
Nominates for prizes
Active on social media
Available in print
Provides contributor copies
Has examples online
How to submit
Cover letter
No cover letter advice
No specific eligibility requirements
We don't have formatting requirements for this magazine
Author's rights
We don't have rights information for this magazine
Additional info
Fast response Nice concept Make you feel at home: cozy, meme-friendly, a sense of community, all that stuff Available both in print and online Suggest places that might be the right fit: "If I don’t think it’s right for us, or quite right for the theme but I still like the work you do I’ll either suggest another publication that I think you’re an ace match for, or I’ll ask if you’ve anything else that might fit a little better in the theme." Promote writers even after publication - hype hype hype Digital issues are not convenient to read on mobile - just a little downside in the reading experience area
Tracker statistics
Total submissions tracked
Average response time
Average acceptance rate
Fastest response time
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