Magazine1 logo
OpenNov 15


Literary Magazine


Flash Fiction


Wtf is genre, send anything


Our magazine is an online publication based out of a real bookstore. We want any and every weird thing you can think of.


This magazine may have some eligibility requirements

Please double-check before submitting.

  • Vibe:We're just chilling here
  • Response time:
    1 month*
    Editor reported data
  • Acceptance rate:
    20% *
    Editor reported data

Pays$40 per piece

Find more details in the Genres section


Find more details in the Genres section

  • Accepts simultaneous submissions

    What's that?

    When you can submit your work to multiple magazines at the same time

  • Accepts previously published

    What's that?

    When the magazine wants to publish your previously published work. Requirements vary

  • Nominates for prizes

    From the editors

    Best of the Net

  • Active on social media

  • Available in print

  • Provides contributor copies

  • Has examples online

  • Offers expedited response

    What's that?

    Expedited submission: When the magazine offers a faster response time for an extra fee

Fiction - 4500 words max

Max words: 1000

Max words: 4500

Max pieces: 1

Sub Genres: Literary

Submission fee: $ 5

one short story of 4500 words

Fiction - 1000 words max

Max words: 1

Max words: 1000

Max pieces: 4

Sub Genres: Literary


Max lines: 200

Min pieces: 1

Max pieces: 3

Submission fee: $ 5

3 poems totaling 10 pages of poetry

Wtf is genre, send anything

Max pieces: 1

Submission fee: $ 5

Payment: $ 40 per piece

We encourage our submitters to send us anything they have written, but if they are unsure of where to place their piece in our genre breakdown, it would probably be best for them to place it in the "hybrid" genre.

How to submit

  • Processs


  • Cover letter

    No cover letter advice

  • Eligibility

    We have a special submission call for writers from the west coast of Florida, so if you're from there, please submit to that call. Other than that we encourage everyone to submit except racists, transphobes, general pieces of shit, etc.

  • Formatting

    Please wait until you receive a response for your submission before submitting again. You are free to submit multiple times, but only one submission per genre is allowed i.e. one short story of 4500 words and 3 poems totaling 10 pages of poetry. Only submit previously unpublished work. Include a biography in the appropriate place on Submittable. 100 words or less, please. While it’s fine to tell us where you’ve been previously published, we’d love it if you told us something about yourself instead. We accept simultaneous submissions, but let us know if your piece is accepted elsewhere. Submit all written work as a .doc, .docx, or .pdf file. Have standard formatting: put your page number somewhere on each page. If the submission is prose, please double-space. Use Times New Roman font, or similar. Please limit prose submissions to ~4500 words for a single short story or up to four pieces of flash fiction each with a maximum of 1000 words. Please submit a maximum of 10 pages of poetry. Hybrid work can bend these limitations, but please do so within reason. We won’t be able to do anything with a full manuscript, even if it’s great. We typically respond to submissions within four weeks. Please be patient as we are a very small team. Submissions are 5 dollars per submission, any and all money collected is only used for the operating costs associated with the magazine.

  • Author's rights

    For all submissions (fiction, poetry, nonfiction, visual art, and hybrid), we ask for the right to display and archive work in multiple electronic formats, such as on our website and in PDF. We acquire First Rights to the work (i.e. the piece must not have been previously published in print or online), with all rights reverting back to the author upon publication. After publication, we greatly appreciate any reprints acknowledging that the piece was first published in Magazine1.

  • Additional info

Tracker statistics


Total submissions tracked


Average response time


Average acceptance rate


Fastest response time


Slowest response time

*Weird response times we excluded from calculations: 23 days, 23 days

Сhill Subs is able to provide internal statistics because you use our tracker! You're the best!

person with a laptop

Managed by editors

Submission calls



    Deadline: Nov 15, 2024


Magazine1 hopes to serve as both a showcase of excellent writing from around the world, but also as a literary hub for the Sarasota/St. Pete/Tampa area. We want to showcase work that challenges our ingrained understanding of what writing is as well as who it is that is writing. While we are not an e...

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    Editor Ben Kerns avatar

    Ben Kerns


    Editor James Mammone avatar

    James Mammone

    Visual Arts Editor

    Editor Georgia Court avatar

    Georgia Court
