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Little Free Lit Mag

Literary Magazine

Wtf is genre, send anything

Little Free Lit Mag latest issue

Little Free Lit Mag is a quarterly journal founded with the aim of publishing quality short form writing of any genre.


This magazine may have some eligibility requirements

Please double-check before submitting.

  • Vibe:Send us your best but less intimidating
  • Response time:
    30-60 days*
    Editor reported data
  • Acceptance rate:
  • Work acquired through solicitation: 1%



  • Accepts simultaneous submissions

    What's that?

    When you can submit your work to multiple magazines at the same time

  • Accepts previously published

    What's that?

    When the magazine wants to publish your previously published work. Requirements vary

  • Nominates for prizes

    From the editors

    Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net, Best Small Fictions, Best Microfiction

  • Active on social media

  • Available in print

  • Provides contributor copies

  • Has examples online

  • Offers expedited response

    What's that?

    Expedited submission: When the magazine offers a faster response time for an extra fee

Wtf is genre, send anything

Max pieces: 5

Your submission can be poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction, or somewhere in between. We welcome hybrid pieces, so long as they abide by the 350 word limit. Poetry: Please send us three to five of your poems (24 lines max for each poem.) Prose poems should be under 350 words each. Visual poetry: Please send us three to five pieces, which can include photographs and photographs of three-dimensional pieces. The images need to be as high-quality as you’re able to send. Prose: Please send up to three pieces, no longer than 350 words each. We welcome work on any subject, including and beyond works celebrating reading, libraries, and books. New and established writers are welcome. 18 years or older, please. Simultaneous submissions are welcome, but please notify us if the work is accepted elsewhere. All material must be original (written by yourself, and without the use of AI). It cannot have appeared in another publication. This includes social media and personal blogs. We request that work that is “after” another author not only attribute the name of the writer they are responding to, but the title of the original piece as well. Additionally, if a submitted work quotes lines from another piece, we ask that the source text be properly attributed as an endnote. Please include any appropriate content warnings or trigger warnings in both your cover letter and in the document with the work you're submitting. We will always reject submissions with racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, classist, religious hatred or otherwise bigoted content. We will not publish work like this, and we do not want to read it.

How to submit

  • Processs


  • Cover letter

    In the body of your email (instead of a cover letter): Please list the titles of each of your pieces. Please include a short bio using your name, written in 3rd person of no more than 50 words. Please do not put your name anywhere in your submission or in the file name. *This helps us read without bias as much as possible. Please also include an originality statement in your cover letter that affirms the work is your own, and that AI was not used in its creation. Please also include a Content Warning or Trigger Warning in your cover letter.

  • Eligibility

    Little Free Lit Mag looks for submissions from writers who value the same spirit of generosity, accessibility and inclusivity that these shared libraries do. We seek work from and about a wide range of backgrounds and experiences.

  • Formatting

    Please attach your submission as a .doc or .docx to an email. Please reach out if your piece has special formatting which must be preserved, and you prefer to use a PDF.

  • Author's rights

    We ask for first North American Serial rights. LFLM will archive all published pieces online at and in a print version of the magazine, available to download. All rights revert to the writer after work is first published online. Please acknowledge Little Free Lit Mag in any future publications (congratulations!) of your accepted poems.

  • Additional info

Tracker statistics


Total submissions tracked


Average response time


Average acceptance rate


Fastest response time


Slowest response time

*Weird response times we excluded from calculations: 48 days, 48 days

Сhill Subs is able to provide internal statistics because you use our tracker! You're the best!

person with a laptop

Managed by editors

Submission calls


    Jan 1, 2025 - Jan 31, 2025


    Apr 1, 2025 - Apr 30, 2025

    All genres



Little Free Lit Mag is a quarterly journal founded with the aim of publishing quality short form writing. Like “little” pockets of literary communities, we think small works can have a big impact. Each issue is published online and as a PDF, each available for free. The PDF is formatted to be easily...

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    Editor Sarah Ann Winn avatar

    Sarah Ann Winn


    Editor Twila Liggitt avatar

    Twila Liggitt

    Senior Editor

    Editor Gregory Luce avatar

    Gregory Luce

    Managing Editor

    Editor Cindy Fleischer avatar

    Cindy Fleischer

    Assistant Managing Editor

    Editor Alana Torrez avatar

    Alana Torrez

    Web Editor