An online literary/arts magazine devoted to all that is slightly odd, a touch off-putting and in most cases, beautifully so. The title comes from a group of kids hiding in an underground fort with lamplight and walkie talkies.
- Vibe:Send us your best but less intimidating
- Response time: 90 days after submission*/Editor reported data91 days*Chill Subs tracker stats
- Acceptance rate: ?*/Editor reported data12.50%*Chill Subs tracker stats
Accepts simultaneous submissions
What's that?
When you can submit your work to multiple magazines at the same time
Accepts previously published
What's that?
When the magazine wants to publish your previously published work. Requirements vary
Nominates for prizes
Active on social media
Available in print
Provides contributor copies
Has examples online
How to submit
Cover letter
If you would like to include a short bio to go alongside your work in the case of publication, please do so (in the 3rd person), and try to keep it under 150 words.
No specific eligibility requirements
Submit all text as either .doc, .docx or .RTF attachment or in the body of the email
Author's rights
Copyright returns to original artist after 30 days. We retain the right to include your work in a volume/an archive and kindly ask that you reference Lamplit Underground in subsequent publications.
Additional info
Tracker statistics
Total submissions tracked
91 days
Average response time
Average acceptance rate
78 days
Fastest response time
Сhill Subs is able to provide internal statistics because you use our tracker! You're the best!