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Literary Magazine





Ecotone latest issue

A biannual magazine that seeks to reimagine place. Published by UNC Wilmington's Department of Creative Writing. AWP Small Press Publisher Award winner | ASME Award for Fiction Finalist.


This magazine may have some eligibility requirements

Please double-check before submitting.

  • Vibe:Very fancy very impressive very not-fast
  • Response time:
    Editor reported data
    152 days*
    Chill Subs tracker stats
  • Acceptance rate:
    Editor reported data
    Chill Subs tracker stats


  • Accepts simultaneous submissions

    What's that?

    When you can submit your work to multiple magazines at the same time

  • Accepts previously published

    What's that?

    When the magazine wants to publish your previously published work. Requirements vary

  • Nominates for prizes

    From the editors

    Best American, Best Microfiction, Best New Poets, Best Of The Net, Best Small Fiction, O Henry, Pushcart

  • Active on social media

  • Available in print

  • Provides contributor copies

  • Has examples online

  • Offers expedited response

  • Runs themed calls

How to submit

  • Processs


  • Cover letter

    Include a brief cover letter with your submission. For online submissions, this should be included in the cover letter field, not part of the file with the work. In your letter, please include: The title(s) of the piece(s) you are sending, A word count (for prose), Your contact information, A brief bio, if you like, and Notice, if applicable, of simultaneous submission. We strive to maintain a balance between work from writers new to the magazine and those whose work we have loved and published in the past. If you’re a past contributor to Ecotone, please mention it in your cover letter, and check the appropriate box if sending via Submittable. Please wait two years (four issues) after publication before sending new work. If you’ve never before published any work in the genre in which you're submitting, please let us know that as well.

  • Eligibility

    Bipoc, Creators With Disabilities, LGBTQ+, Nonbinary, Women

  • Formatting

    Prose Formatting · Include a word count on the first page, and page numbers on each page. · Prose submissions should be double spaced and typed in a standard 12-point font (e.g. Times New Roman). · For print submissions, please print single-sided. · Do not include your name, or other identifying information, in the file name or the file itself. Poetry Formatting · For online submissions, include all poems in a single document. · For print submissions, please print single-sided. · Poems should be single spaced and typed in a standard 12-point font (e.g. Times New Roman). · Do not include your name, or other identifying information, in the filename or the file itself. · Note: We cannot print poetry that involves both justified alignment and specific line breaks, as such work will not render consistently across different formats. If you wish to send work that involves either of these, please choose one or the other.

  • Author's rights

    This magazine does not list any details on their website for this section.

  • Additional info

    Fee: $3 for general submissions via Submittable; free for BIPOC writers via Submittable (during early window); free for current subscribers via Submittable We are particularly interested in place-based work by people historically underrepresented in literary publishing and in place-based contexts: writers and artists who are Black, Indigenous, people of color, people with disabilities, gender-nonconforming, LGBTQIA+, women, and others. We welcome the work of emerging writers. Payment. Contributors receive an honorarium upon publication, two copies of the issue in which their work appears, and a one-year subscription beginning with the subsequent issue.

Tracker statistics


Total submissions tracked

152 days

Average response time


Average acceptance rate

30 days

Fastest response time

Сhill Subs is able to provide internal statistics because you use our tracker! You're the best!

person with a laptop

The Submissions Grinder Statistics


12-month average acceptance rate

269 days

12-month average response time

Managed by editors


Ecotone’s mission is to publish and promote the best place-based work being written today. Founded in 2005 at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, on the traditional and ancestral territory of the Waccamaw, Catawba, and Cape Fear People, the award-winning magazine features writing and art th...

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    Editor David Gessner avatar

    David Gessner


    Editor Emily Louise Smith avatar

    Emily Louise Smith


    Editor Anna Lena Phillips Bell avatar

    Anna Lena Phillips Bell


    Editor Ryan Bloom avatar

    Ryan Bloom

    Managing Editor

    Editor Maggie Boyd Hare avatar

    Maggie Boyd Hare

    Poetry Editor

    Editor Jess Tanner avatar

    Jess Tanner

    Fiction Co-Editor

    Editor Rebecca Hannigan avatar

    Rebecca Hannigan

    Fiction Co-Editor

    Editor Emily Krauser avatar

    Emily Krauser

    Nonfiction Editor