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OpenApr 3

YeahWrite Super Challenge

Writing Contest by YeahWrite




  • Response time: 3 weeks
  • Prizes: $100-200
  • Fee: $35
  • Last run: -
  • Reading blind: -

Fiction - 1000 words max

Max words: 1000

Max pieces: 1

Type: Flash

Prompted flash fiction. Competition takes place over 48 hours. Prompts released Friday night; submissions due Sunday. Submissions must be written to the provided prompt. Approximately 10 writers move from the first round to the final round, where they will write a new story to a new prompt. All submissions are judged blind.

Additional info

The YeahWrite Super Challenge is a competition that alternates between prompted flash fiction and creative nonfiction. Prompts are released Friday at 10PM US Eastern time; writers have 48 hours to complete their submission. The word limit is 1,000 words. Approximately 10 writers move on from the first round to the second. Prizes $200/$150/$100 for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.

All participants in each round receive personalized feedback on their entries from multiple professional editors, writers, and writing instructors.

Super Challenge #29: Flash Fiction Registration opens: January 10, 2024 Registration closes: April 3, 2024 First round: April 5-7, 2024 Second round (for finalists): April 26-28, 2024 Winners announced: May 17, 2024

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Managed by editors

Submission calls


    Deadline: Apr 3, 2024


The YeahWrite Super Challenge is a 48-hour writing contest for prompted flash fiction. First round shortlist moves to the final round; every entrant receives detailed, professional feedback. Winners receive cash prizes. NOTE: SUPER CHALLENGE #29 IS OUR FINAL COMPETITION